
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Simple moments

Although life is has it's simple moments. Like when you first see your newborn baby, kiss your spouse for the first time as husband and wife, or have your morning cup of Java listening to the birds sing their morning song. I had a similar moment  this past week.

Education is said to be the most rewarding investment you will make in your life. Being a single mom, working essentially 3 jobs, and taking a minimum of 12 credit hours a semester, money is tight. This past week I was informed that I am being award a scholarship that Tanger applied me for. So this scholarship came at such a great moment for me. The best part of the scholarship is that Cleary matches it!

The day before I found out I was receiving this award, I had met with my advisor at Cleary and was reviewing my education plan. My goal now is to graduate and partake in next summers commencement ceremony (per my goal) with my bachelors degree in Marketing and then go for a minor in Corporate Communication. Although I knew I would make it happen one way or another, you still worry. Now I don't have to worry as much! I can concentrate on trying to make the Dean's List again!!! :)

My work-study job at Cleary has really been a treasure to me. I have met some really great people, had the opportunity to see just how great Cleary is from the inside, learn some PR skills, and network with even President Sullivan. How many other people going to college can say they network with the president of the college??!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time flies by so fast

Summer life has (for the kids) lets out this week. Each summer is a reminder to me that yet another year that has past. This brings on feelings of sadness for me. It reminds me just how fast kids grow. It's really hard for me to believe that my baby boy is finishing his junior year of high school...(sigh) year a senior, and then off to boot camp for the Marines. As well, my youngest is starting drivers education. He has just a few years left of high school. They grow so fast!! Although I am extremely proud of them and love to see them grow into the wonderful young men, I am bit selfish and wish I had just a little more time.

Summer also brings on graduation ceremony's. Cleary just had their commencement ceremony this past weekend. What an exciting time for the graduates! I was honored enough to help set up for this years commencement ceremony! It made me that much more eager to finish!

We spent last weekend at the camper building a HUGE, beautiful 26' x 8' deck complete with a fenced in area for the dogs to do their business, a custom made sliding gate on the main entrance, solar lights, and of coarse, the American flag blowing in the breeze. Our "summer home" is now ready! A little landscaping around the camper and deck and we won't want to leave!!

Each of the girls (my boyfriends daughters) have/will be celebrating birthdays. Saylor's was last month, she turned 9 and Regan's is this month, she will be 7. Youth and summer...remember when??? Both girls are very excited for summer! They enjoy camping, swimming, eating outside, and playing at the beach. I'm sure they will have a full summer of wonderful fun things! Not a thought of school for another 3 months!!

This summer will miss someone very special...Thor. Thor was our 10 year old Rotweiller. He and his sister (Zelda) about 5 years ago came to live with us after we opened our home and rescued them both. Sadly, 2 1/2 years ago Zelda pasted on and yesterday Thor went as well after battling cancer. It's never easy to say instead I say "See ya later". Thor...we will miss you tearing up and jumping throw the screens, digging up the flower beds to find a cool place to lay, seeing you find a warm yet shady place under the cars in the driveway, or sleeping in the hallway (or in Saylor's room (staying close to your humans)). You maybe gone...but never forgotten-we will miss you!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer begins

Well now that Memorial Day has come and gone, summer is well on it's way! This year, we had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. Although Monday, Memorial Day, it's self the weather was a bit crazy, the weekend was great!

For me, it was crazy as always! We hosted a duel birthday day party for both of my boyfriends daughters. That meant the house (which is still under construction) required some much needed attention, the yard needed to me mowed, flower beds weeded, flowers planted, weed whipping done, edging of driveway and walk way completed, cakes to be baked and decorated, gifts wrapped, goody bags stuffed, outdoor furniture brought out and cleaned, coolers cleaned and filled, and not to mention decorations displayed. Decorations this year was a bit easier. We did a camping theme. Therefore, we popped a couple of tents, displayed a fake campfire, placed a few chairs around the fake fire, and we had a camp site under our favorite maple tree. The kids loved running in and out of the tents and through the yard with all the goodies they received in their bags. We also had an excellent story written and read by Saylor, made smores (used marshmallow fluff instead of real marshmallow's) and you can't have a Memorial weekend party without ice cream cones. The weather was was a true success!! I do have to give credit where credit is due. Jeff (my boyfriend) was my sanity to complete all of the above. While I was completing all of the interior stuff, he and the girls were busy getting the outside in FANTASTIC shape!! Thanks honey for a job well done!!

This weekend also started the second part of Spring semester for me. I finished up my financial accounting class the week before....I 4.0 the class (yeah yeah yeah). I am now starting managerial accounting and finishing my last class for my associates degree. 6 weeks to go until summer term starts! I don't normally take summer classes; however this year I am going to. If all plans go as planned, I should graduate December 2011 with my bachelor's degree in Corporate Communication.

Kids are finishing up classes this week. They will be out of school is a very short period of time. They are very much looking forward to that. Won't be long and we will hear "I'm bored!" Hopefully having the trailer as a seasonal camper at Taylor's Beach will help with that. The campground offers a lake with a great beach, a large playground for kids, a game room, a small store, and lots of kids around to keep they occupied! It should be a fun summer "camping" a few miles from home!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What is your measure for success?

When one says they want to be successful, what does that mean?  Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines success as:    1 obsolete : outcome, result; 2 a : degree or measure of succeeding b : favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence; 3 : one that succeeds. To me to achieve success is to obtain your goals. If your goal is to buy a house, or a new car, or graduate college, then obtaining those goals makes you successful.

Everyone has their own measure for success; however, I think sometimes that measure gets distorted. Distorted by what others have that you don't, by feeling that you should be more successful than you are at that point in your life, or the end result not happening soon enough. The old saying "The grass isn't always green" is so true. Throughout our lives we all have made choices with regard to the paths our lives will take. Those path choices have taken you on a journey that has lead your life to the place you are today. If you look back to an earlier point in your life through today, you can begin to see how truly successful you are and have become. For me, I measure my success by seeing my teenage boys as true gentleman, making the deans list yet one more time, following through with things I said I would do, or making someone smile.

It's very easy to get caught up into the day to day drama and monotony. When that happens, step back and take a look at the big picture. You will begin to truly appreciate all that you have and all that you have become.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Pretty slow week. After a week of break from Cleary, its back to the regular routine. Tanger, work-study, classes, Miche, and home.

However, as of April 1st, the campground that our trailer is at has opened. We can now start getting ready for the nice weather to will come! We have painting, cleaning, building, and rearranging to do. A new adventure to uphold.

I also have just learned that my 17 year old, junior in high school is signing up with the marines. Although not surprised, I am concerned. He can't really do anything until he graduates and he knows that, but they can prepare everything now for him so right after graduation he can be shipped to boot camp. My baby!!!! He has always wanted to be in the military. He would find and wear anything camouflage. Now he gets to do it for real and defend his country. I am very proud of him! This adds a whole new level to my chaos!

My youngest is venturing into drivers training. Although not eager to do it, he knows his older brother isn't going to be around to keep driving him around. It makes me sad and yet excited to see how my young little monsters have grown. It truly does not take long!! They both have become handsome little gentlemen.

The same is true of my boyfriends daughters. They have been apart of my life for 3 years now. When I first met them they were 3 & 5, just getting ready to turn 4 & 6. Today, they are 6 & 8 getting to turn 7 & 9. To see where they were just 3 short years ago to where they are today is exciting. Things they couldn't accomplish before are now easy, the growth in their individual personalities is amazing, and the genuine love they offer is priceless. It all goes by so fast.

Sometimes you need to step back and take a look around you. The world you have around you is really quite amazing. Although we all have our day to day structure and chaos, it only reminds us that we are alive. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Benefits of chaos

Time flies...It has been 3 weeks since my last post and a lot has happen.

The chaos was abundant. At home we framed in the laundry room, hung dry wall and insulation, rebuilt the work area in the garage, wired lights and switches, and exposed the issue that was going to be the bearer of all; the plumbing for the washing machine. Plus we pulled up carpet in the dining room, waterproofed the cement floor, and then laid and hand nailed in the 150 year old barn wood for the floor. Rented a sander and did a quick once over and put furniture back into place. Turned out great!

All of this home repair was at the same time as the last 2 weeks of classes. My economics class was my major concern. I wasn't doing so well on the quizes; however I did very well on all my assignments and participation. Now it was coming down to the final exam and the capstone. I was getting nervous. My final exam ended up like most of my quizes but my team and I received a 100% on our capstone. That was exciting! Therefore, I ended the class with an A! I was thrilled!! That enabled me to finish the semester with a 3.9 GPA. Made the Dean's List yet one more time! I guess chaos works for me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring forward

Time is flying by. I am 2 short weeks away from finishing winter term at Cleary. That means I am a few steps closer to that degree. I have since scheduled my classes for spring term. All of those classes will be conducted online. No more sitting in a class for 4 hours, 1 night a week.

Winter term ends at the beginning of spring time. Meaning, the weather is getting nice and spring fever hits! I see plants emerging from the ground and can't wait to see the beautiful tulips I have planted. However, I look out into the yard and see lots of stuff that needs to be done. Thus, the stuff that STILL needs to be done inside, still needs to be done, but now I have to add the outside duties as well. The weather also reminds me that I have a motorcycle to bust out. Since I didn't get to ride it at all last year, I need to make up for it this year. All I need is to get my helmet back and I will be crusin!

We also have a new adventure for this year. We have a camper that we purchased end of year last year and have placed it permenately at a campground. Now we can "go camping" anytime we want. The campground is about 8 miles from our house and offers a beach, a game room, and lots of away time. I am looking forward to the get aways, even if I am still close to home.

The laundry room addition is still in progress. We have a good start on it, but still have lots to do! We both are looking forward to the completion of that.

Miche parties are finding their way into my calendar, Tanger is coming into one of its busy seasons, and I am learning more and more from Amanda at Cleary through Communications. I don't know if there is such a thing as knowledge overload, but I am willing to find out.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thankful for chaos

Among all the chaos I feel and experience, I am quite blessed. I have a great family life, a wonderful home, caring family members, the joy of meeting new people, doing jobs I love, gaining an education, and complete support. Although my life is not perfect (who's is), it's perfect for me.

One thing that I have not learned how to do well is to live in the moment. I see people that do this and think how lucky they are to have learned such a skill. Their lives seem filled with love, peace, and happiness. I think I have always tried to create the moment rather than letting it find me. You miss so many of "the moments" if you try to create them. "A day without laughter is a day wasted." (Charlie Chaplin) Kids are little but only once and life is too short to not enjoy it.

I am truly thankful for all the good in my life. I am also thankful for the tough experiences. Without those, I would not grow, learn, and gain experience. Thus, chaos is a requirement for my life to be complete.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy St. Patrick's Day you all!!Whether you are Irish or not, much luck to ya!

Last week brought about the ability to actually maintain sanity within chaos. Laughing while in the middle of it is a huge endevour! This week brings more peace and reflection. Although there is still chaos, it seems more managable, after a week like last week.

This week brings on the continuation of the addition of the laundry room in my house. Adding walls, tearing down walls. Hopefully my mess is well on it's way to completion.

I also have a capstone (final paper) due in the next few weeks for my econ class. My group has decided to have our rough draft done by THIS Saturday evening. I have LOTS of research to do in order to do my part. I have to write 5-7 pages by Saturday plus the weekly assignment. Next week a couple of us will review the rough draft, then send it on to the the other 2 in the group to final review and make it flow. Meanwhile, I still have a final exam to take in my last Linux class and enroll for next term.

With the weather getting nice, I tend to want to spend more time outside getting the yard ready. We have mole tracks in the yard, plants are starting to emerge, and LOTS of doggie dodo to clean up!

However, without the continued chaos in my life, I don't think I would feel complete.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just another week...

Chaos is defined as a condition or place of great disorder or confusion. That defines this past week for me.

Monday was like every other Monday.

Tuesday started out by attending Saylor's 3rd grade class (as I have all year). Went from there to Holly, MI (a 40 minute drive) to pick up a Miche Bag order. From there, came home gathered my stuff for class and headed back out the door to head to Cleary. Sat through 4 hours of economics and finally came home for the evening.

Wednesday was one of my days for my work study at Cleary. I arrived back at Cleary at 9 a.m. and left at 2 p.m. I was then suppose to drive to Flint to deliver a Miche Bag order, except that my truck was not running right. I took the truck to a mechanic that informed me that both of my front end wheel bearings were going and it was going to cost me about $400 to fix 1 side. Feeling very frustrated, I went home to get ready for the 1st grade musical we had to attend that evening. After the musical, we stopped by our friends that are working on their house, and finally went home for the evening. I had placed a call to my dad (a life-long mechanic who lives 3 thousand miles away) to ask his opinion of my vehicle situation. My outcome looked expensive!

Thursday was quite a day. We found a mechanic that works on cars on the side at his house. We called around, found out part, and I headed to the mechanics house after working 8 hours at Tanger. The mechanic informed me that it could take anywhere from 1-4 hours to complete the job. I now have 1-4 hours to wait. I had no place to go and it started raining.  About 20 minutes after I left his shop, he called to tell me we had the wrong part. I immediately called the store we bought the part from to see if they had the right part in stock...they did and set it a side for my arrival. was I going to get there? The mechanic had my truck on the lift with the left wheel off. So he was either going to put it back together for me so I could drive down to get the right part, or this total stranger was going to have to take me to the store. This nice gentleman drove me to the store. We got the parts and went back to his shop. By now, it's like 7:00 p.m. or so. So I decided to hang out at his shop and watch the job. Exactly 1 hour later he finished the driver side. YEAH!!!! Now, on to the right side. He took the wheel apart and was about to remove the bad bearing only to realize that...we again have the wrong part. At this point, he and I can only laugh. He hands me the keys to his car so I can go get the right one...the one I previously returned. I walk into the store and the guys working there are just as surprised as the mechanic and I were that it was wrong. Make the exchange and head back (once again) to the shop. By the time I get back, he had the bad bearing off and ready for the new one. Install goes well and we are test driving. After all that, I didn't get home until after 10:00 p.m. As chaotic as it all was, the mechanic was gracious and understanding. So were the guys at Auto Zone! My heartfelt graditude to them all!!! 

Friday was much easier. Worked at Cleary for my work study, drove to Flint to make my delivery, came home only to receive a phone call my youngest son asking me to come see him. I hopped back in the truck and drive 45 minutes to spend the evening with my handsome young man. That was a wonderful ending for such a chaotic week!

Although busy and chaotic, it was all rewarding. I built wonderful relationships, learned lots of new things, and had a few great laughs along the way. For me, chaos works!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost, "The cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action." (

Through my economics class at Cleary, we have learned about opportunity cost from a business stand point. However, we all experience this whether in our personal lives or through business. When you really sit down and think about what it truly means, you really begin to appreciate its value. Example, going to class to finish your degree or staying home with your family. Both are important and offer value to your life but one will be forgone to pursue the other. 

The past few weeks (after learning about opportunity cost) I have taken a look at the choices I have made in my life and the value each choice held. You don't know what the future holds for you so making the choice isn't easy. All you have to go on to make the best choice is history of past actions and your heart. You are the only one that knows what is best for you. Therefore, you are the only one that can make that choice. Although you will miss an evening with your family to attend your class, in the long run it will receive a higher reward. I don't necessarily mean "higher reward" in monetary state, but in self accomplishment as well. Accomplishing a goal or doing something for yourself can be very rewarding even if you sacrifice an evening with the family. And if you look at it from another perspective, you have now lead by example for your children. They see how important eduction is and will follow in your foot steps. So the choice you made has now had a domino effect onto your children for success. 

Opportunity cost adds chaos to our lives. And that's not a bad thing. It gives us the ability to make choices for ourselves and accomplish things we may not have other wise. Without risk there is no reward. Don't be afraid to add chaos to your lives. It lets you  know you are human and that you are alive. Plus, it will give back more than it takes!

Friday, March 5, 2010

New beginnings

Here we's Friday! The day most people are excited to see. The start of the weekend. Time for fun and family. I guess you could say that I am excited to see it as March is a new beginning for me in a lot of ways.

First, I started my new position at Cleary. I actually started mid-February but do to scheduling issues, things were pushed back to March. I also have a new schedule at Tanger. I previously worked only weekends (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday). Starting March 1st, my schedule has changed to Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. I FINALLY have Saturday's off!!! Yeah for me!!! Although, Miche is starting to pick back up that means my Saturday's will be comprised of Miche Bag party's ( Things were slow between December and February but I have 3 shows in the month of March. Looking forward to them!!

End of February started a new class for me at Cleary. Cleary works through semesters with classes on a trimester premise. This method offers the acceleration that Cleary is known for. You can get your degree a lot faster. Therefore, February started a new trimester of classes. I have ECO320 the remainder of this semester along with the last class (CIS242) that I need to complete for my associates. ECO320 is the 2nd class I have taken towards my bachelors degree and it is my first lecture class at Cleary. Firsts are always nerve racking. Cleary offers both online and lecture classes throughout your degree. This encourage you to get the best of both worlds. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous about the lecture class. This type of setting you see your class mates face to face, where as online you see a picture and read a short bio. The lecture classes are good, just a different experience for me. Not to mention sitting in class for 4 hours a night. At least it is only 1 night a week. I guess that is a positive. I hope to finish my bachelors program by the summer 2011. That's funny...that's the same year my oldest son will graduate high school. WOW!!!

To add to my Cleary position, Tanger, Miche Bag, and school, I have many projects going at home. We are remodeling our dinning room, kitchen and building a laundry room. On top of that, we repainted both the girls rooms. Saylor (the 8 year old) was given her own room around Thanksgiving last year. She wanted her room painted lime green with blue, purple, and pink polka dots. Soooo, I painted it lime green with blue, purple, and pink polka dots. I also made her Roman shades for her windows. That was a trick as I had never made them before. Well, you can't do for one child and not the other. So Regan (the 6 year old) wanted her room painted. However, her's was not so simple. She wanted iCarly painted on her walls. I have talents, just not that talent. We discussed it and I told her that I could not paint iCarly and she asked that I paint iCarly-the name-around the room. I am still not that talented. So I did what I do do best and researched the web. I found wall decals that go up easy and come down easy. iCarly...done! However, I am not the type of person to just let that be it. Her room was originally painted by a family friend (who is an artist). She painted castles, horses, princesses, flowers, butterflies, and both girls names all the way around the room. After 2 coats of primer, I was finally able to put the color of paint on the walls that Regan chose....bright baby blue. Long story, I split 2 walls of the room. The top half of each wall I painted purple (the color from sisters room) and the bottom the blue she picked out. The center of each of those walls I placed a 1 foot strip (through the center). In that strip I painted a white board paint on one wall and chalk board paint on the other. The 3rd wall (the wall with the window) I painted blue and placed pink and purple strips with pink and purple polka dots. It turned out REALLY cute! The finally wall, her closet wall, I went simple. I  painted it blue and put pink, purple, and chalk board black polka dots all over it!! A few other "girly" touches and now she wants to live in her room. She has already decided where she wants to place her refrigerator, stove and so on. Both rooms took a week each to complete. I am a die hard when I set my mind to something. But they each LOVE their rooms!

Well...I'm sure you have read enough from me today. I have LOTS more to talk about, but I will save it for another day! All and all, find something that helps to keep you sane and love every minute of your chaos!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The beginning

Today is my first official To be completely honest, I have not really blogged before. However, I am truly looking forward to this experience. I am truly excited to be a part of the Cleary team as a work-study student. Amanda, Director of Communications and Community Relations at Cleary, has brought me on board to not only help her out but to also help me gain needed experience in my field of study.

I am currently enrolled in the eBusiness Communications program. This is a new program that Cleary started this past year. Although I have been at Cleary as a full-time student since September 2008, I am just starting my bachelor's program. I came to Cleary after "life" started. I started my family young, worked to help support my family, and now have decided to go back to school. I had taken a few classes here and there. Cleary combined my total credits of the "here and there" classes and I found out I was more than half way through my associates degree! I was excited to hear that and that Cleary would help me complete my associates. Currently, I am taking the last class I need to complete that degree. One education goal down, one MAJOR one left to go!

I am hoping this blog "Career, kids, classes...Chaos!" will help others relate to their own "chaos" in life. We all have it and learning to deal with it is a part of life. I will post my "chaos" here. Whether it is work, school, kids, or whatever. And hopefully I can help you manage your "chaos" or you can at least laugh at mine.