
Friday, April 16, 2010


Pretty slow week. After a week of break from Cleary, its back to the regular routine. Tanger, work-study, classes, Miche, and home.

However, as of April 1st, the campground that our trailer is at has opened. We can now start getting ready for the nice weather to will come! We have painting, cleaning, building, and rearranging to do. A new adventure to uphold.

I also have just learned that my 17 year old, junior in high school is signing up with the marines. Although not surprised, I am concerned. He can't really do anything until he graduates and he knows that, but they can prepare everything now for him so right after graduation he can be shipped to boot camp. My baby!!!! He has always wanted to be in the military. He would find and wear anything camouflage. Now he gets to do it for real and defend his country. I am very proud of him! This adds a whole new level to my chaos!

My youngest is venturing into drivers training. Although not eager to do it, he knows his older brother isn't going to be around to keep driving him around. It makes me sad and yet excited to see how my young little monsters have grown. It truly does not take long!! They both have become handsome little gentlemen.

The same is true of my boyfriends daughters. They have been apart of my life for 3 years now. When I first met them they were 3 & 5, just getting ready to turn 4 & 6. Today, they are 6 & 8 getting to turn 7 & 9. To see where they were just 3 short years ago to where they are today is exciting. Things they couldn't accomplish before are now easy, the growth in their individual personalities is amazing, and the genuine love they offer is priceless. It all goes by so fast.

Sometimes you need to step back and take a look around you. The world you have around you is really quite amazing. Although we all have our day to day structure and chaos, it only reminds us that we are alive. 


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