
Friday, March 19, 2010

Thankful for chaos

Among all the chaos I feel and experience, I am quite blessed. I have a great family life, a wonderful home, caring family members, the joy of meeting new people, doing jobs I love, gaining an education, and complete support. Although my life is not perfect (who's is), it's perfect for me.

One thing that I have not learned how to do well is to live in the moment. I see people that do this and think how lucky they are to have learned such a skill. Their lives seem filled with love, peace, and happiness. I think I have always tried to create the moment rather than letting it find me. You miss so many of "the moments" if you try to create them. "A day without laughter is a day wasted." (Charlie Chaplin) Kids are little but only once and life is too short to not enjoy it.

I am truly thankful for all the good in my life. I am also thankful for the tough experiences. Without those, I would not grow, learn, and gain experience. Thus, chaos is a requirement for my life to be complete.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy St. Patrick's Day you all!!Whether you are Irish or not, much luck to ya!

Last week brought about the ability to actually maintain sanity within chaos. Laughing while in the middle of it is a huge endevour! This week brings more peace and reflection. Although there is still chaos, it seems more managable, after a week like last week.

This week brings on the continuation of the addition of the laundry room in my house. Adding walls, tearing down walls. Hopefully my mess is well on it's way to completion.

I also have a capstone (final paper) due in the next few weeks for my econ class. My group has decided to have our rough draft done by THIS Saturday evening. I have LOTS of research to do in order to do my part. I have to write 5-7 pages by Saturday plus the weekly assignment. Next week a couple of us will review the rough draft, then send it on to the the other 2 in the group to final review and make it flow. Meanwhile, I still have a final exam to take in my last Linux class and enroll for next term.

With the weather getting nice, I tend to want to spend more time outside getting the yard ready. We have mole tracks in the yard, plants are starting to emerge, and LOTS of doggie dodo to clean up!

However, without the continued chaos in my life, I don't think I would feel complete.