
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer begins

Well now that Memorial Day has come and gone, summer is well on it's way! This year, we had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. Although Monday, Memorial Day, it's self the weather was a bit crazy, the weekend was great!

For me, it was crazy as always! We hosted a duel birthday day party for both of my boyfriends daughters. That meant the house (which is still under construction) required some much needed attention, the yard needed to me mowed, flower beds weeded, flowers planted, weed whipping done, edging of driveway and walk way completed, cakes to be baked and decorated, gifts wrapped, goody bags stuffed, outdoor furniture brought out and cleaned, coolers cleaned and filled, and not to mention decorations displayed. Decorations this year was a bit easier. We did a camping theme. Therefore, we popped a couple of tents, displayed a fake campfire, placed a few chairs around the fake fire, and we had a camp site under our favorite maple tree. The kids loved running in and out of the tents and through the yard with all the goodies they received in their bags. We also had an excellent story written and read by Saylor, made smores (used marshmallow fluff instead of real marshmallow's) and you can't have a Memorial weekend party without ice cream cones. The weather was was a true success!! I do have to give credit where credit is due. Jeff (my boyfriend) was my sanity to complete all of the above. While I was completing all of the interior stuff, he and the girls were busy getting the outside in FANTASTIC shape!! Thanks honey for a job well done!!

This weekend also started the second part of Spring semester for me. I finished up my financial accounting class the week before....I 4.0 the class (yeah yeah yeah). I am now starting managerial accounting and finishing my last class for my associates degree. 6 weeks to go until summer term starts! I don't normally take summer classes; however this year I am going to. If all plans go as planned, I should graduate December 2011 with my bachelor's degree in Corporate Communication.

Kids are finishing up classes this week. They will be out of school is a very short period of time. They are very much looking forward to that. Won't be long and we will hear "I'm bored!" Hopefully having the trailer as a seasonal camper at Taylor's Beach will help with that. The campground offers a lake with a great beach, a large playground for kids, a game room, a small store, and lots of kids around to keep they occupied! It should be a fun summer "camping" a few miles from home!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me the credit but you deserve the most credit! (As Usual!)

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